Friday, May 15, 2009

Benci, Bosan dan Bengang

Today is supposed to be TGIF tapi pepagi lagi (seperti biasa) begitu ramai parasit di tempat ini yang mengoyak-ngoyakkan hati ku. Benci betul bila apa yang kita buat hanya untuk tolong orang-orang yang tak tidak tahu (atau tak boleh?) mengenang budi. Bosan bila kena buat benda bodoh yang sama tiap-tiap hari and bengang bila kena marah pasal benda yang dah awal-awal diklasifikasikan sebagai impossible-but-you-have-to-do-cos-I-instruct-you-so. Oh My God...I just hate all this.

So, untuk melegakan ketenangan otak dan kekacauan jiwa ni lebih baik aku baca buku London Call Girl yang sangat menarik ni. book selection sangat explicit lately. Guess MTV have influenced my system. Kehidupan hedonistic memang tampak menarik dan rileks...Oh deng!..ken deflux..ingat dosa pahala yusna!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Today My 31st B-day!

Hehehe..Hepi Besday to me...

Dah menjenguk umur 31 aku nieh. Walaupun udah tua bangat itu, rasanya dengan penuh kegembiraan menginjak ke setahun usia. Harap-harap dengan pertambahan angka itu bertambahlah takwa, iman, ilmu dan amal.

Well, pagi-pagi bangun mengharap ucapan dari hubby tapi hampeh. Lupa lak Ustaz ni akan mentazkirah aku tentang benda-benda duniawi lagi bidaah ni. Macam bengang la jugak...bukannya aku berparti berorgy sambut umur baru...tapi nak buat camne. Macam mak aku yang penuh wisdom kata, sabar jelah, dah itu yang aku hadapkan tetiap hari. Bapak aku lebih selamba "itulah, penyakit cari sendiri".

Hmmm...nampaknya setiap orang mempunyai persepsi sendiri tentang besday nih. For me, it's not about celebrating and gifts giving, tapi lebih kepada welcoming the new era of your life. Yelah, when we look back to the past year (s) kita akan lebih bermuhasabah diri..lebih bersyukur we have gone through shits and shine, grow up and grow old lalu menjadi apa yang kita jadi hari ini. Dengan berbekalkan pengalaman yang sikit, itulah perisai kita dalam mengatur kehidupan masa depan.

And to say the least, itu jugaklah time untuk ponder tentang apa yang kita nak buat tapi masih tak terbuat, yang kita harap kita boleh buat sebelum terlambat. We old people usually never have regrets for what we did, but certainly we'll regret for things we didn't do. With that said, harap-harap tahun ni bolehlah aku belajar menjahit.hehehe...cita-cita nak jadi domestic goddess tu masih belum tercapai lagi. There were time when I hope being me is a career in itself, but that subject will require entire post devoted to it...

Apa-apa pun, terima kasih untuk yang memberi ucapan tanda mengingati..especially kawanku yang comel lagi best iaitu Khairolin Ismail. That's one regret I have..not to know her earlier when we were schooling together di Convent yang gah dan gemilang tu. Tapi masa tu K-lynn golongan brahmin so guess God have His own plan. It happened when it should...Apa pun I will cherished the friendship...

Oh God..I love myself and people who love me. Moga tahun depan hidup akan tambah bererti..Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Same Shit Different Day..

Don't you just hate it when you think that today it gonna be waaaaaay different than yesterday and then...plop! the mother of all shit drop down and smashed your beautiful day into little shattered pulp fiction? I know I am not making sense here..but what is the point when you are the only one trying to?

Burn out...that's what I feel. Not that I'm not grateful with life, job, self, etc...but sometimes I caught myself asking, what's more to life that I don't know? Why don't the smart arse bloke came up with Life 101 for dummies? It's so hard...

Today at work BB blasted off for the stupidest, crudest, spit-in-your-face mistake. I know being creative, innovative, proactive and all the tiffs are required to be the among the shining stars in my line of job. But how could you expect someone to file a letter received at 4.30pm yesterday (05/05/09) on 4th of May? I'm not one of the lucky bastards who get the Early Edition for God's sake! And try to explain that in the most civilized way, you'll be brand as snotty and rude. Too much pain for crying out loud...

At any given day, I believe artificial intelligent beats real stupidity...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sleeping Around ....Book Review Lah!

Oleh kerana tahap tension yang maha tinggi telah melanda aku.. aku pung mengambil langkah proaktif untuk me'wushaaa'kan diri. I kicked off my shoes, laid back and pop some chill pill... lalu membaca buku ini. Sangat teruja lantaran tajuknya yang explicit gitu...

All in all, it's a good read untuk orang-orang yang tidak begitu deep (aka shallow) seperti aku nih. Yesh...I have no problem admitting that I am not one of the high flyers biarpun menjawat jawatan idaman 85% rakyat Malaysia. And sex is always intriguing... I hate to love it but, I love it! Wakakaka..bak kata k-lin, ni blog aku, aku punye suke la nak tulis apa. Salah spelling ke..grammar dah tunggang langgang ke..suko atie den lah. Kalau agak-agak nak ngutuk silalah jangan's that simple.

Well, balik semula kepada buku yang explicit contentnya ini..kononnya ni kisah benarlah seorang nymphomaniac yang more often than not, turn on hot 24-7 macam oven rosak when it cum to sex. Tapi dalam busuk-busuk cerita dia pasal kehebatannya berenang di atas katil, size of men best buddy, flying solo bla...bla...bla...aku sangat tertarik dengan cara dia menaakul relationship between males and females or anything in between. Dan sudah pastilah..insan lemah seperti aku ini akan sangat fascinated dengan kebolehannya menjadi narcissist. How I wish I'm that cold...and that hot. Hmmm...dunia ini memang tidak adil..

Anyway..antara wisdomnya yang sedikit sexually charged that I like to quote adalah seperti berikut. Let's have your brain mulling constantly and who knows, if you did pick up this book by yourself later, you will know that I am not that self-absorbed (bak kata adalah-umat-perasaan-baik-tapi-hati-tapai-tuh). So..enjoyzzzz!

" ...with males and females, confidence is key. You want someone who can hold your eye in conversation and who has manners, holds the door open for you and remembers the little touches. They will be considerate in bed. After all, the bedroom is really an extension of how things are going in every other room"

I agree..emotional intelligence is so VERY important...