Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's not worth..

"Sometimes in life, you try and fought so hard for someone, something...yet at the end of the day, it is not worth the battle...

Sometimes, when you thought you have waited long enough just to get the timing right with that person you give your heart and soul to, you just realized you have just let you life passed you by...it's not worth the wait

Sometimes when you thought you finally found the happiness you are looking for, you are washed away with misery..realizing that life has played a very cruel joke right to your face. It is not worth the pain..

And sometimes when you thought you want to spend the rest of your life with that one person, you are confronted with the brutal truth that the feeling is not mutual. You are only a choice of convenience..It's not worth the sacrifice..

Love, it never REALLY exist. It's only a tiny speck of dust in a big black box full of conditions...It's not worth believing"

Sad but True,

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